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7 Common Internet Marketing Mistakes Auto Repair Shop Owners Make

internet-marketing-strategiesA well-developed and consistent internet marketing campaign helps you connect with customers and prospects.  It’s also an effective way to develop and gain brand awareness.  To obtain the results you want, it’s important to avoid certain internet marketing mistakes.  In this blog article, I’ll outline some of the more common internet marketing mistakes auto repair shop owners make.

Mistake #1 – Neglecting Your Website:  By frequently adding quality content to your website, you’ll increase your visibility in search results.  This is important because it means you’ll be able to generate more traffic to your site.

Mistake #2 – Having Your Website Hosted on a Platform:  A lot of shop owners will have their websites hosted on platforms that don’t allow for customization and/or the addition of article content.  To drive traffic to your site, they’ll recommend that you utilize pay-per-click advertising. This can get quite costly and doesn’t always provide optimal results.  If you have the option, it’s better to sign up with a self-hosted service and have your site developed in a Content Management System like WordPress.  You’ll be able to customize your site the way you want and avoid many of the common internet marketing mistakes.

Mistake #3 – Using an Outdated Site Design:  The internet is constantly changing in response to the ways in which people connect with the companies they frequent.  Make sure your site uses an updated design and is responsive – provides an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices.

Mistake #4 – Not Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO):  If your pages don’t rank, it’s time to implement a campaign for SEO.  Though there are plenty of on-line articles and books on SEO, it’s prudent to hire someone to optimize your website for you. After all, they’re the expert on search engine optimization while your the expert on car engine optimization.

Mistake #5 – Ignoring the Importance of Social Networking:  Your customers are interacting with all their favorite brands on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.  If you’re not actively there, you’re missing out on a valuable way to connect.

Mistake #6 – Not Knowing Your Audience:  Take the time to evaluate your customer database and identify your target audience.  Knowing who they are, what they like, and where they spend their time on- and off-line will help you generate a marketing campaign that has impact.

Mistake #7 – Limited or No Use of Video Content to Tell Your Story:  A video content marketing strategy can be very effective at generating traffic to your website. Our marketing professionals can help you tell a story and educate your customers. Schedule your free marketing review to learn more.

If you’ve been making any of these common internet marketing mistakes, make some changes right away. Once you do, monitor your results to make sure the new strategies you implement are efficient and effective.  Not sure where to start? Our marketing professionals can guide you in the best ways for your shop to connect with your target audience. Click here to schedule your free marketing review now.